Command Line Interface

You can run MultiBrowser from the command line to automate tasks and build server integration.:

Windows / Linux:

MultiBrowser [Action] [Options]


open –args [Action] [Options]


MultiBrowser knows 4 different actions:


Launches MultiBrowser and automatically switches to the specified browser and url. You can choose not to specify browser and/or url. MultiBrowser will then use the standard-settings.


Launches MultiBrowser and automatically creates one or more screenshots depending on the options. After the screenshots have been created MultiBrowser will close automatically.


Launches MultiBrowser and automatically creates screenshots for responsive layout verification in all desktop and mobile resolutions. After the screenshots have been created MultiBrowser will close automatically.


Launches MultiBrowser and automatically creates a cross browser report. After the report has been created MultiBrowser will close automatically.


Opens an existing test suite.


Opens an existing test suite and runs all tests using the browsers specified on the MultiBrowser line or in the suite.


Different options can be applied to these actions. These options are:

Specify the URL for an action

This option can be used to specify the url for any given action. Applies to: -start, -screenshot, -responsive, -report:




Specify a single browser for an action

This option can be used to specify a single browser for a given action. Applies to: -start, -screenshot, -report:




Specify more than one browser for an action

This option can be used to specify more than one browser for a given action. Applies to: -screenshot, -report, -runtests:




Specify the resolution for an action

This option can be used to specify the resolution for a given action. The resolution can not be bigger than your native resolution. Applies to: -start, -screenshot:




Crop Screenshots

This option can be used to tell MultiBrowser to crop the screenshot to the current or given resolution. Omitting this parameter will take a full page screenshot. Applies to: -screenshot:




Delay Screenshots

This option can be used to tell MultiBrowser to delay taking of the screenshot for a number of given seconds. Omitting this parameter will take a screenshot without delay. Applies to: -screenshot:




Screenshots Comparison Tolerance

This option can be used to tell MultiBrowser the tolerance used for layout comparison between screenshots in pixel. Applies to: -screenshot:




Specify the data location

This option can be used to tell MultiBrowser in which location the result of an action should be saved. Applies to: -screenshot, -responsive, -runtests:




Specify a specific file location

This option can be used to tell MultiBrowser to which file the result of an action should be saved. Applies to: -report:




Record Video

This option can be used to tell MultiBrowser to record a video during automated test execution. Applies to: -runtests:




Examples (Windows / Linux)

Starting MultiBrowser:

MultiBrowser -start -url: -browser:IE9

Generate screenshots:

MultiBrowser -screenshot -saveto:C:\Path -resolution:1280x1024 -browsers:IE8,IE9 -tolerance:10

Generate report:

MultiBrowser -report -saveto:C:\Path -browsers:IE11,IE10

Open a test suite:

MultiBrowser -suite:C:\Users\TestSuite.bts

Running a test suite:

MultiBrowser -runtests:C:\Users\TestSuite.bts -browsers:CHROME62,FIREFOX57,IE10

Examples (MacOS)

Starting MultiBrowser:

open --args -start -url: -browser:IE9

Generate screenshots:

open --args -screenshot -saveto:/Path/to/save -resolution:1280x1024 -browsers:IE8,IE9 -tolerance:10

Generate report:

open --args -report -saveto:/Path/to/save -browsers:IE11,IE10

Open a test suite:

open --args -suite:/Path/to/Suite/TestSuite.bts

Running a test suite:

open --args -runtests:/Path/to/Suite/TestSuite.bts

Running a test suite:

open --args -runtests:/Path/to/Suite/TestSuite.bts -browsers:CHROME62,FIREFOX57,IE10